If fast bootstrapping is a high priority then using less dense nodes is the

For example, rather than having 5 nodes with 3TB you could deploy 15 (less
powerful) nodes with 1TB each. Your cluster will have higher overall disk
throughput which would allow you to increase the stream throughput, and
your new node will not need to stream as much data to bootstrap. The
process will still take some time for a production cluster under load, but
should be significantly faster.

On Mon, 20 Nov 2017 at 16:11 Jon Haddad <j...@jonhaddad.com> wrote:

> It sounds like you’re asking how to bootstrap without paying the cost of
> bootstrapping :)
> If you want to scale out, you’ll need to deal with the time it takes.  You
> can’t add a node and have it up in 15 minutes, if you’re running 3 TB it’ll
> take a while.  The exact amount of time depends largely on your network and
> disk performance.
> Jon
> On Nov 19, 2017, at 11:42 PM, Anshu Vajpayee <anshu.vajpa...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Adding more compute power means again vertical scaling. I understand this
> is one method to handle the load in case of increasing demand. But it
> doesn't match with philosophy of Cassandra for horizontal scaling. Hitting
> capacity cannot be restricted to only compute power.
> Also in case of node failure, this vertical scaling is not going help.
> Where we need to bootstrap a new or same node faster and quicker in ring.
> On Sat, Nov 18, 2017 at 4:20 AM, Ben Slater <ben.sla...@instaclustr.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Anshu
>> For quick scaling, we’ve had success with an approach of scaling up the
>> compute capacity (attached to EBS) rather than scaling out with more nodes
>> in order to provide relatively quick scale up/down capability. The approach
>> is implemented as part of our managed service but the concept is generic
>> enough to work in any virtualised environment. You can find more detail
>> here if interested:
>> https://www.instaclustr.com/instaclustr-dynamic-resizing-for-apache-cassandra/
>> Cheers
>> Ben
>> On Sat, 18 Nov 2017 at 05:02 Anshu Vajpayee <anshu.vajpa...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Cassandra supports elastic scalability  - meaning on demand we can
>>> increase or decrease #of nodes as per scaling demand from the application.
>>> Let's consider we have 5 node cluster and each node has data pressure of
>>> about 3 TB.
>>> Now as per sudden load, we want to add 1 node in the cluster  as quick
>>> as possible.
>>> Please suggest what would be the fastest method to add the new node on
>>> cluster? Normal bootstrapping will definitely take time because it needs to
>>> stream at least 2.5 TB ( 5*3TB/6 nodes) from 5 nodes.  Please
>>> consider multi-core machines & 10 Gpbs card .
>>> Streaming throughput can help but not much.
>>> The similar requirement can come when we want to replace the failed node
>>> due to any hardware.
>>> Please suggest any best practice or scenarios to deal with above
>>> situations.
>>> Scaling is good but how quickly we can scale is another thing to
>>> consider.
>>> --
>>> *C*heers,*
>>> *Anshu V*
>>> --
>> *Ben Slater*
>> *Chief Product Officer <https://www.instaclustr.com/>*
>> <https://www.facebook.com/instaclustr>
>> <https://twitter.com/instaclustr>
>> <https://www.linkedin.com/company/instaclustr>
>> Read our latest technical blog posts here
>> <https://www.instaclustr.com/blog/>.
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> --
> *C*heers,*
> *Anshu V*
> --

*Justin Cameron*Senior Software Engineer


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