(https://www.cloudping.co/ is a useful place to get inter-region latency in

On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 9:20 PM, Chris Lohfink <clohfin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> An alternative if using >3.8 you can use the org.apache.cassandra.
> metrics:type=Messaging,name=[DC]-Latency mbean where [DC] is the name of
> the DC and you can get the inter DC latency per node (to that node). This
> does not account for NTP drift though, just how long it takes messages (ie
> mutations) take to get to a node from other DCs.
> Chris
> On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 7:18 PM, Jon Haddad <j...@jonhaddad.com> wrote:
>> I recommend figuring out the latency between your datacenters.  Cassandra
>> isn’t going to be any more than that barring JVM pauses on the remote
>> coordinator.
>> On Oct 17, 2017, at 4:17 PM, Bill Walters <billwalter...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I need some suggestions on finding the time taken for Cassandra
>> replication to happen from east to west region for write and read
>> operations on a multi DC cluster.
>> Currently, below is our cluster setup.
>> *Cassandra version:* DSE 5.0.7
>> *No of Data centers:* 2 (AWS East and AWS West regions)
>> *No of Nodes:* 12 nodes (6 nodes in AWS East and 6 nodes in AWS West)
>> *Replication Factor:* 3 in each data center.
>> *Cluster size*: Around 40 GB on each node
>> Sometime, next year we have an activity where our clients are going to be
>> reading only from AWS West region. The data center in AWS east will be
>> available but we do not want any reads to be done on this.(Our management
>> wants to know the time it takes for Cassandra to replicate from one DC to
>> the other)
>> Here are some options I have thought of in finding the time taken for
>> Cassandra replication to happen from AWS East DC to AWS West DC.
>> 1. Setup a Java client to write/read a transaction with *"Local Quorum" 
>> *consistency
>> level in* AWS East* region as Local data center, capture the time taken
>> for this activity. Similarly use this client to perform read/write
>> transaction with *"Local Quorum"* consistency level in *AWS West* region
>> and capture the time. Then finally perform the same transaction with with 
>> *"Each
>> Quorum" *consistency level and capture the time.
>> *Inter DC latency* = *Time taken for Each Quorum transaction* *-* *(Time
>> taken for Local Quorum transaction in AWS East as local dc)* *-** (Time
>> taken for Local Quorum transaction in AWS West as local dc)*.
>> 2. Utilize the https://github.com/gitaroktato/cassandra-replication-
>> latency-tools open source project where a Python Cassandra clients
>> writes in one Data Center and other client reads in other data center.
>> Can you please suggest if my strategies above will help in finding the
>> Inter DC latency or there are other ways I need to follow.
>> Thank You,
>> Bill Walters.

Ben Wood
Software Engineer - Data Agility

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