data will be distributed amongst racks correctly, however only if you are using a snitch that understands racks and also NetworkTopologyStrategy. SimpleStrategy doesn't understand racks or DCs. You should use a snitch that understands racks and then transition to a 2 rack cluster, keeping only 1 DC. The whole DC per rack thing isn't necessary and will make your clients overly complicated.
On 5 Sep. 2017 21:01, "Cogumelos Maravilha" <> wrote: > Hi list, > > CREATE KEYSPACE test WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', > 'replication_factor': '2'} AND durable_writes = true; > > I'm using C* 3.11.0 with 8 nodes at aws, 4 nodes at zone a and the other > 4 nodes at zone b. The idea is to keep the cluster alive if zone a or b > goes dark and keep QUORUM for reading. For writing I'm using ANY. > > Using getendpoints I can see that lots of keys are in the same zone. As > fair as I understand a rack solution does not grant full data > replication between racks. > > My idea to reach this goal is: > > - Change replication_factor to 1 > > - Start decommission nodes one by node in one zone. > > - When only 4 nodes are up and running in one zone change keyspace > configuration to DC using actual data as DC1 and the other 4 nodes as DC2 > > > Is this the best approach? > > > Thanks in advance. > > > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- > To unsubscribe, e-mail: > For additional commands, e-mail: > >