We do snapshot and sstableloader. with sstableloader, it is ok to have
different configuration of the "stand by" cluster (i.e. number of the
however, there is a issue we ran into with the sstableloader
GC overhead limit exceeded)

On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 12:58 AM, Erick Ramirez <flightc...@gmail.com>

> A slight variation to Ben Slater's idea is to build the second cluster
> like-for-like and assigning the same tokens used by the original nodes. If
> you restore the data onto the equivalent nodes with the same tokens, the
> data will be accessible as normal. Cheers!
> On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 7:08 AM, Robert Wille <rwi...@fold3.com> wrote:
>> We need to make a copy of a cluster. We’re going to do some testing
>> against the copy and then discard it. What’s the best way of doing that? I
>> created another datacenter, and then have tried to divorce it from the
>> original datacenter, but have had troubles doing so.
>> Suggestions?
>> Thanks in advance
>> Robert
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