So, Range latency(or Scan in case of coordinator) appears only when we are
reading multiple partition key in the same query?

пт, 7 июл. 2017 г. в 20:29, Chris Lohfink <>:

> The coordinator read/scan (Scan is just different naming for the Range, so
> coordinator view of RangeLatency) is the latencies from the coordinator
> perspective, so it includes network latency between replicas and such. This
> which is actually added for speculative retry (why there is no
> coordinatorWriteLatency). Only the CoordinatorReadLatency is used for it
> however.
> The Read/RangeLatency metrics are for local reads, basically just how long
> to read from disk and merge with sstables.
> The View* metrics are only relevant to materialized views. There actually
> is a partition lock for updates which ViewLockAcquireTime gives
> visibility too. Also there are sometimes reads required for updating
> materialized views, which ViewReadTime is for tracking. For more details id
> recommend
> Chris
> On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 9:42 AM, ZAIDI, ASAD A <> wrote:
>> What exactly does mean CoordinatorScanLatency for example
>> CoordinatorScanLatency  is a timer metric that present coordinator range
>> scan latency for  table.
>> Is it latency on full table scan or maybe range scan by clustering key?
>>                 It is range scan.. clustering key is used to only store
>> data in sorted fashion – partition key along with chosen partitioner helps
>> in range scan of data.
>> Can anybody write into partition while locked?
>>                 Writes are atomic – it depends on your chosen consistency
>> level to determine if writes will fail or succeed.
>> *From:* Павел Сапежко []
>> *Sent:* Friday, July 07, 2017 8:23 AM
>> *To:*
>> *Subject:* Re: Understanding of cassandra metrics
>> Are you really think that I don't read docs? Do you have enough
>> information in the documentation? I think no. What exactly does mean 
>> CoordinatorScanLatency
>> for example? Is it latency on full table scan or maybe range scan by
>> clustering key? What exactly mean ViewLockAcquireTime? What is
>> "partition lock"? Can anybody write into partition while locked? Etc.
>> пт, 7 июл. 2017 г. в 13:01, Ivan Iliev <>:
>> 1st result on google returns:
>> <>
>> On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 12:16 PM, Павел Сапежко <>
>> wrote:
>> Hello, I have several question about cassandra metrics. What does exactly
>> mean the next metrics:
>>    - CoordinatorReadLatency
>>    - CoordinatorScanLatency
>>    - ReadLatency
>>    - RangeLatency
>>    - ViewLockAcquireTime
>>    - ViewReadTime
>> --
>> С уважением,
>> Павел Сапежко
>> skype: p.sapezhko
>> --
>> С уважением,
>> Павел Сапежко
>> skype: p.sapezhko
> --

С уважением,

Павел Сапежко

skype: p.sapezhko

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