You can set timeout value in cqlshrc file. But you will have to overload the 
cluster to take these into effect.

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> On Jul 6, 2017, at 10:08 AM, Charulata Sharma (charshar) <> 
> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Recently I learnt that in C* driver versions 3.1.x and up,  there is a change 
> in retry. If the query statement is not idempotent, there won't be any retry 
> and by default the queries are considered to be non idempotent.
> Hence, even though Retry policy is mentioned while setting up the C* 
> connection, incase of a C* read and write timeouts, the driver does not retry 
> the read/write operation.
> I am now trying to test this by setting the default idempotent to true . 
> Unfortunately I cannot change the read and write timeout settings in yaml to 
> test this, so am trying to see if there is
> An easier way to raise the ReadTimeOut and WriteTimeOutExceptions 
> programmatically and then test. However, I haven't had much success . 
> Any pointers on this would be appreciated.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Charu

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