From: sai krishnam raju potturi <> > I got a similar error, and commenting out the below line helped. > JVM_OPTS="$JVM_OPTS" > > Did you also include "rpc_interface_prefer_ipv6: true" in the YAML file?
No luck at all here. Yes, I had commented out that line (and also tried replacing it with ``, included in my email. I also included an error to make sure it was the right file). It all *should* work, but doesn’t. :-( I just tried again with “rpc_interface_prefer_ipv6: true” set as well, but without luck. I note that I have the default “rpc_address: localhost”, so it’ll bind to the lo loopback, which has IPv4 configured already. Not that using “rpc_address: ‘::1’” instead works (same error, so I can’t bind to the IPv6 localhost address either). Martijn Pieters