Some more info:
- running C* 3.9
- I tried `nodetool flush` on the column family this change applies to, and
while it does seem to trigger compactions, there is still one pending that
won't seem to run
- I tried `nodetool compact` on the column family as well, with a similar

Is there a way to tell when/if the local node has successfully updated the
compaction strategy? Looking at the sstable files, it seems like they are
still based on STCS but I don't know how to be sure.

Appreciate any tips or suggestions!

On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 5:30 PM, Mike Torra <> wrote:

> I'm trying to change compaction strategy one node at a time. I'm using
> jmxterm like this:
> `echo 'set -b 
> org.apache.cassandra.db:type=ColumnFamilies,keyspace=my_ks,columnfamily=my_cf
> CompactionParametersJson \{"class":"TimeWindowCompactionStrategy",
> "compaction_window_unit":"HOURS","compaction_window_size":"6"\}' | java
> -jar jmxterm-1.0-alpha-4-uber.jar --url localhost:7199`
> and I see this in the cassandra logs:
> INFO  [RMI TCP Connection(37)-] 2017-03-13 20:29:08,251
> - Switching local compaction strategy
> from 
> CompactionParams{class=org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy,
> options={max_threshold=32, min_threshold=4}} to CompactionParams{class=org.
> apache.cassandra.db.compaction.TimeWindowCompactionStrategy,
> options={min_threshold=4, max_threshold=32, compaction_window_unit=HOURS,
> compaction_window_size=6}}}
> After doing this, `nodetool compactionstats` shows 1 pending compaction,
> but none running. Also, cqlsh describe shows the old compaction strategy
> still. Am I missing a step?

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