Hi Richard, It depends on the snitch and the replication strategy in use.
Here's a link to a blogpost about how we deployed C* on 3AZ http://highscalability.com/blog/2016/8/1/how-to-setup-a-highly-available-multi-az-cassandra-cluster-o.html Best, Tommaso On Mar 7, 2017 18:05, "Ney, Richard" <richard....@aspect.com> wrote: We’ve collapsed our 2 DC – 3 node Cassandra clusters into a single 6 node Cassandra cluster split between two AWS availability zones. Are there any behaviors we need to take into account to ensure the Cassandra cluster stability with this configuration? *RICHARD NEY* TECHNICAL DIRECTOR, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT *UNITED STATES* *richard....@aspect.com <richard....@aspect.com>* *aspect.com <http://www.aspect.com/>* [image: mailSigLogo-rev.jpg] This email (including any attachments) is proprietary to Aspect Software, Inc. and may contain information that is confidential. If you have received this message in error, please do not read, copy or forward this message. Please notify the sender immediately, delete it from your system and destroy any copies. You may not further disclose or distribute this email or its attachments.