We run C* at 32 GB and all servers have 96GB RAM. We use STCS . LCS is not an option for us as we have frequent updates.
Thanks, Shravan ________________________________ From: Thakrar, Jayesh <jthak...@conversantmedia.com> Sent: Friday, March 3, 2017 3:47:27 PM To: Joaquin Casares; user@cassandra.apache.org Subject: Re: OOM on Apache Cassandra on 30 Plus node at the same time Had been fighting a similar battle, but am now over the hump for most part. Get info on the server config (e.g. memory, cpu, free memory (free -g), etc) Run "nodetool info" on the nodes to get heap and off-heap sizes Run "nodetool tablestats" or "nodetool tablestats <kespace>.<tablename>" on the key large tables Essentially the purpose is to see if you really had a true OOM or was your machine running out of memory. Cassandra can use offheap memory very well - so "nodetool info" will give you both heap and offheap. Also, what is the compaction strategy of your tables? Personally, I have found STCS to be awful at large scale - when you have sstables that are 100+ GB in size. See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-10821?focusedCommentId=15389451&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-15389451 LCS seems better and should be the default (my opinion) unless you want DTCS A good description of all three compactions is here - http://docs.scylladb.com/kb/compaction/ Documentation<http://docs.scylladb.com/kb/compaction/> docs.scylladb.com Scylla is a Cassandra-compatible NoSQL data store that can handle 1 million transactions per second on a single server. From: Joaquin Casares <joaq...@thelastpickle.com> Date: Friday, March 3, 2017 at 11:34 AM To: <user@cassandra.apache.org> Subject: Re: OOM on Apache Cassandra on 30 Plus node at the same time Hello Shravan, Typically asynchronous requests are recommended over batch statements since batch statements will cause more work on the coordinator node while individual requests, when using a TokenAwarePolicy, will hit a specific coordinator, perform a local disk seek, and return the requested information. The only times that using batch statements are ideal is if writing to the same partition key, even if it's across multiple tables when using the same hashing algorithm (like murmur3). Could you provide a bit of insight into what the batch statement was trying to accomplish and how many child statements were bundled up within that batch? Cheers, Joaquin Joaquin Casares Consultant Austin, TX Apache Cassandra Consulting http://www.thelastpickle.com The Last Pickle • Apache Cassandra Consulting & Services<http://www.thelastpickle.com/> www.thelastpickle.com Apache Cassandra Consulting & Services. Our wealth of experience with Apache Cassandra will ensure success at all stages of a your project lifecycle. On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 11:18 AM, Shravan Ch <chall...@outlook.com<mailto:chall...@outlook.com>> wrote: Hello, More than 30 plus Cassandra servers in the primary DC went down OOM exception below. What puzzles me is the scale at which it happened (at the same minute). I will share some more details below. System Log: http://pastebin.com/iPeYrWVR GC Log: http://pastebin.com/CzNNGs0r During the OOM I saw lot of WARNings like the below (these were there for quite sometime may be weeks) WARN [SharedPool-Worker-81] 2017-03-01 19:55:41,209 BatchStatement.java:252 - Batch of prepared statements for [keyspace.table] is of size 225455, exceeding specified threshold of 65536 by 159919. Environment: We are using ApacheCassandra-2.1.9 on Multi DC cluster. Primary DC (more C* nodes on SSD and apps run here) and secondary DC (geographically remote and more like a DR to primary) on SAS drives. Cassandra config: Java 1.8.0_65 Garbage Collector: G1GC memtable_allocation_type: offheap_objects Post this OOM I am seeing huge hints pile up on majority of the nodes and the pending hints keep going up. I have increased HintedHandoff CoreThreads to 6 but that did not help (I admit that I tried this on one node to try). nodetool compactionstats -H pending tasks: 3 compaction type keyspace table completed total unit progress Compaction system hints 28.5 GB 92.38 GB bytes 30.85% Appreciate your inputs here. Thanks, Shravan