
do you got a result finally?

Those messages are simply warnings telling you that c* had to read many tombstones while processing your query - rows that are deleted but not garbage collected/compacted. This warning gives you some explanation why things might be much slower than expected because per 100 rows that count c* had to read about 15 times rows that were deleted already.

Apart from that, count(*) is almost always slow - and there is a default limit of 10.000 rows in a result.

Do you really need the actual live count? To get a idea you can always look at nodetool cfstats (but those numbers also contain deleted rows).

Am 16.02.2017 um 13:18 schrieb Selvam Raman:

I want to know the total records count in table.

I fired the below query:
     select count(*) from tablename;

and i have got the below output

Read 100 live rows and 1423 tombstone cells for query SELECT * FROM keysace.table WHERE token(id) > token(test:ODP0144-0883E-022R-002/047-052) LIMIT 100 (see tombstone_warn_threshold)

Read 100 live rows and 1435 tombstone cells for query SELECT * FROM keysace.table WHERE token(id) > token(test:2565-AMK-2) LIMIT 100 (see tombstone_warn_threshold)

Read 96 live rows and 1385 tombstone cells for query SELECT * FROM keysace.table WHERE token(id) > token(test:-2220-UV033/04) LIMIT 100 (see tombstone_warn_threshold).

Can you please help me to get the total count of the table.

Selvam Raman
"லஞ்சம் தவிர்த்து நெஞ்சம் நிமிர்த்து"

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