You are welcome! )

>recent ten movies watched by the user within 30 days.

In this case you can't use PRIMARY KEY (user_name, video_id), as video_id is 
demanded to fetch row, so all this stuff may be

CREATE TYPE play (video_id text, position int, last_time timestamp);

CREATE TABLE recent (user_name text PRIMARY KEY, play_list 

You can easily retrieve play list for specific user by his ID. Instead of LIST 
you can use MAP, I don't think that for ten entries it matters.

Best regards, Vladimir Yudovin, 

Winguzone - Hosted Cloud Cassandra
Launch your cluster in minutes.

---- On Tue, 08 Nov 2016 22:29:48 -0500ben ben <> 
wrote ----

Hi Vladimir Yudovin,

    Thank you very much for your detailed explaining. Maybe I didn't describe 
the requirement clearly. The use cases should be:

1. a user login our app.

2. show the recent ten movies watched by the user within 30 days.

3. the user can click any one of the ten movie and continue to watch from the 
last position she/he did. BTW, a movie can be watched several times by a user 
and the last positon is needed indeed.



发件人: Vladimir Yudovin <>
 发送时间: 2016年11月8日 22:35:48
 收件人: user
 主题: Re: A difficult data model with C* 

Hi Ben,

if need very limited number of positions (as you said ten) may be you can store 
them in LIST of UDT? Or just as JSON string?

So you'll have one row per each pair user-video. 

It can be something like this:

CREATE TYPE play (position int, last_time timestamp);

CREATE TABLE recent (user_name text, video_id text, review 
LIST<frozen<play>>, PRIMARY KEY (user_name, video_id));

UPDATE recent set review = review + [(1234,12345)] where user_name='some user' 
AND video_id='great video';

UPDATE recent set review = review + [(1234,123456)] where user_name='some user' 
AND video_id='great video';

UPDATE recent set review = review + [(1234,1234567)] where user_name='some 
user' AND video_id='great video';

You can delete the oldest entry by index:

DELETE review[0] FROM recent WHERE user_name='some user' AND video_id='great 

or by value, if you know the oldest entry:

UPDATE recent SET review = review - [(1234,12345)]  WHERE user_name='some user' 
AND video_id='great video';

Best regards, Vladimir Yudovin, 

Winguzone - Hosted Cloud Cassandra
 Launch your cluster in minutes.

---- On Mon, 07 Nov 2016 21:54:08 -0500ben ben <> 
wrote ----

Hi guys,

We are maintaining a system for an on-line video service. ALL users' viewing 
records of every movie are stored in C*. So she/he can continue to enjoy the 
movie from the last point next time. The table is designed as below:


user_name text,

vedio_id text,

position int,

last_time timestamp,

PRIMARY KEY (user_name, vedio_id)


It worked well before. However, the records increase every day and the last ten 
items may be adequate for the business. The current model use vedio_id as 
cluster key to keep a row for a movie, but as you know, the business prefer to 
order by the last_time desc. If we use last_time as cluster key, there will be 
many records for a singe movie and the recent one is actually desired. So how 
to model that? Do you have any suggestions? 




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