I have the following table schema: *CREATE TABLE ticket_by_member (* * project_id text,* * member_id text,* * ticket_id text,* * ticket ticket,* * assigned_members list<text>,* * votes list<FROZEN<vote>>,* * labels list<FROZEN<label>>,* * PRIMARY KEY ( project_id, member_id, ticket_id )* *);*
I have a scenario where I need to show all tickets for a particular project, by a group of member ids. I think it would be more efficient to do this as an IN query of the type: *project_id = x AND member_id IN (...)*, instead of doing multiple queries of: *project_id = x AND member_id = y* I tried to setup an accessor for this, as the following: * @Query("SELECT * FROM ticket_by_member WHERE project_id = ? AND member_id IN(?)" )* * Result<TrelloCardByMember> cardsByMembers(String projectId, List<String> memberIds);* But when I call this method, I get the exception: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidQueryException: Cannot restrict clustering columns by IN relations when a collection is selected by the query Any ideas on why this isn't working?