Hi Ben,

Thanks for this awesome contribution. I'm eager to give it a try and test
it out.


On Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 8:55 PM, Ben Bromhead <b...@instaclustr.com> wrote:

> Hi All
> I am proud to announce we are making available our production build of
> Cassandra 3.7 that we run at Instaclustr (both for ourselves and our
> customers). Our release of Cassandra 3.7 includes a number of backported
> patches from later versions of Cassandra e.g. 3.8 and 3.9 but doesn't
> include the new features of these releases.
> You can find our release of Cassandra 3.7 LTS on github here (
> https://github.com/instaclustr/cassandra). You can read more of our
> thinking and how this applies to our managed service here (
> https://www.instaclustr.com/blog/2016/10/19/patched-cassandra-3-7/).
> We also have an expanded FAQ about why and how we are approaching 3.x in
> this manner (https://github.com/instaclustr/cassandra#cassandra-37-lts),
> however I've included the top few question and answers below:
> *Is this a fork?*
> No, This is just Cassandra with a different release cadence for those who
> want 3.x features but are slightly more risk averse than the current
> schedule allows.
> *Why not just use the official release?*
> With the 3.x tick-tock branch we have encountered more instability than
> with the previous release cadence. We feel that releasing new features
> every other release makes it very hard for operators to stabilize their
> production environment without bringing in brand new features that are not
> battle tested. With the release of Cassandra 3.8 and 3.9 simultaneously the
> bug fix branch included new and real-world untested features, specifically
> CDC. We have decided to stick with Cassandra 3.7 and instead backport
> critical issues and maintain it ourselves rather than trying to stick with
> the current Apache Cassandra release cadence.
> *Why backport?*
> At Instaclustr we support and run a number of different versions of Apache
> Cassandra on behalf of our customers. Over the course of managing Cassandra
> for our customers we often encounter bugs. There are existing patches for
> some of them, others we patch ourselves. Generally, if we can, we try to
> wait for the next official Apache Cassandra release, however in the need to
> ensure our customers remain stable and running we will sometimes backport
> bugs and write our own hotfixes (which are also submitted back to the
> community).
> *Why release it?*
> A number of our customers and people in the community have asked if we
> would make this available, which we are more than happy to do so. This
> repository represents what Instaclustr runs in production for Cassandra 3.7
> and this is our way of helping the community get a similar level of
> stability as what you would get from our managed service.
> Cheers
> Ben
> --
> Ben Bromhead
> CTO | Instaclustr <https://www.instaclustr.com/>
> +1 650 284 9692
> Managed Cassandra / Spark on AWS, Azure and Softlayer

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