Looks like ordering by multiple columns in Cassandra has few sides that are not obvious. I wasn’t able to find this information in the official documentation but it’s quite well described here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35708118/where-and-order-by-clauses-in-cassandra-cql <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35708118/where-and-order-by-clauses-in-cassandra-cql>
Thanks, Mikhail > On 10 Oct 2016, at 21:55, DuyHai Doan <doanduy...@gmail.com> wrote: > > No, we didn't record the talk this time unfortunately :( > > On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 8:17 PM, Ali Akhtar <ali.rac...@gmail.com > <mailto:ali.rac...@gmail.com>> wrote: > Really helpful slides. Is there a video to go with them? > > On Sun, Oct 9, 2016 at 11:48 AM, DuyHai Doan <doanduy...@gmail.com > <mailto:doanduy...@gmail.com>> wrote: > Yes it is possible, read this: > http://www.slideshare.net/doanduyhai/datastax-day-2016-cassandra-data-modeling-basics/24 > > <http://www.slideshare.net/doanduyhai/datastax-day-2016-cassandra-data-modeling-basics/24> > > and the following slides > > On Sun, Oct 9, 2016 at 2:04 AM, Ali Akhtar <ali.rac...@gmail.com > <mailto:ali.rac...@gmail.com>> wrote: > Is it possible to have multiple clustering keys in cassandra, or some other > way to order by multiple columns? > > For example, say I have a table of songs, and each song has a rating and a > date. > > I want to sort songs by rating first, and then with newer songs on top. > > So if two songs have 5 rating, and one's date is 1st Feb, the other is 2nd > Feb, then I want the 2nd feb one to be sorted above the 1st feb one. > > Like this: > > Select * from songs order by rating, createdAt > > Is this possible? > > >