Hi all, I have a theoritical question: - Is Apache Cassandra really a column store? Column store mean storing the data as column rather than as a rows.
In fact C* store the data as row, and data is partionned with row key. Finally, for me, Cassandra is a row oriented schema less DBMS.... Is it true for you also??? Many thanks in advance for your reply Best Regards Mehdi Bada ---- Mehdi Bada | Consultant Phone: +41 32 422 96 00 | Mobile: +41 79 928 75 48 | Fax: +41 32 422 96 15 dbi services, Rue de la Jeunesse 2, CH-2800 Delémont mehdi.b...@dbi-services.com www.dbi-services.com ⇒ dbi services is recruiting Oracle & SQL Server experts ! – Join the team