Hi all, have some questions on how to define clustering key. have a table like this
CREATE TABLE datacenter{ datacentername varchar, publish timestamp, value varchar, PRIMARY KEY(datacentername,publish) } *issues:* there are only two datacenter,so the data would only have two partitions.and store in two nodes.want to spread the data evenly around the cluster. take this post for reference http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/basic-rules-of-cassandra-data-modeling CREATE TABLE datacenter{ datacentername varchar, publish_pre text, publish timestamp, value varchar, PRIMARY KEY((datacentername,publish_pre),publish) } publish_pre is from 1~12 hours.*but the workload is high.i dont want to all workload inserted into one node in a hour.* have no idea on how to define the partition key to spread data evenly around the cluster,and the partition not split by time.which means that data should not be inserted one node at a certain time window. thanks stone