I did not claim you had no evidence, only that your statement lacked
justification.  Again, nuance is important.

I was suggesting that blanket statements without the necessary caveats, to
the user mailing list, countermanding the defaults without 'justification'
(explanation, reasoning) is liable to cause confusion on what best practice
is.  I attempted to provide some of the missing context to minimise this
confusion while still largely agreeing with you.

However you should also bear in mind that you work as a field engineer for
DataStax, and as such your sample of installation behaviours will be
biased - towards those where the defaults have not worked well.

On Saturday, 27 August 2016, Ryan Svihla <r...@foundev.pro> wrote:

>  I have been trying to get the docs fixed for this for the past 3 months,
> and there already is a ticket open for changing the defaults. I don't feel
> like I've had a small amount of evidence here. All observation in the 3
> years of work in the field suggests compaction keeps coming up as the
> bottleneck when you push Cassandra ingest.
> 0.6 as an initial setting has fixed 20+ broken clusters in practice and it
> improved overall performance in every case from defaults of 0.33 to
> defaults of 0.03 (yaml suggests per core flush writers, add in the
> prevelance of HT and you see a lot of 24+ flush writer systems in the wild)
> No disrespect intended but that default hasn't worked out well at all in
> my exposure to it, and 0.6 has never been worse than the default yet.
> Obviously write patterns, heap configuration, memtable size limits and what
> not affect the exact optimal setting and I've rarely had it end up 0.6
> after a tuning exercise. I never intended that as a blanket recommendation,
> just a starting one.
> _____________________________
> From: Benedict Elliott Smith <bened...@apache.org
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','bened...@apache.org');>>
> Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 9:40 AM
> Subject: Re: Guidelines for configuring Thresholds for Cassandra metrics
> To: <user@cassandra.apache.org
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','user@cassandra.apache.org');>>
> The default when I wrote it was 0.4 but it was found this did not saturate
> flush writers in JBOD configurations. Iirc it now defaults to 1/(1+#disks)
> which is not a terrible default, but obviously comes out much lower if you
> have many disks.
> This smaller value behaves better for peak performance, but in a live
> system where compaction is king not saturating flush in return for lower
> write amplification (from flushing larger memtables) will indeed often be a
> win.
> 0.6, however, is probably not the best default unless you have a lot of
> tables being actively written to, in which case even 0.8 would be fine.
> With a single main table receiving your writes at a given time, 0.4 is
> probably an optimal value, when making this trade off against peak
> performance.
> Anyway, it's probably better to file a ticket to discuss defaults and
> documentation than making a statement like this without justification. I
> can see where you're coming from, but it's confusing for users to have such
> blanket guidance that counters the defaults.  If the defaults can be
> improved (which I agree they can) it's probably better to do that, along
> with better documentation, so the nuance is accounted for.
> On Friday, 26 August 2016, Ryan Svihla <r...@foundev.pro
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','r...@foundev.pro');>> wrote:
>> Forgot the most important thing. Logs
>> ERROR you should investigate
>> WARN you should have a list of known ones. Use case dependent. Ideally
>> you change configuration accordingly.
>> *PoolCleaner (slab or native) - good indication node is tuned badly if
>> you see a ton of this. Set memtable_cleanup_threshold to 0.6 as an initial
>> attempt to configure this correctly.  This is a complex topic to dive into,
>> so that may not be the best number, it'll likely be better than the
>> default, why its not the default is a big conversation.
>> There are a bunch of other logs I look for that are escaping me at
>> present but that's a good start
>> -regards,
>> Ryan Svihla
>> On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 7:21 AM -0500, "Ryan Svihla" <r...@foundev.pro
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','r...@foundev.pro');>> wrote:
>> Thomas,
>>> Not all metrics are KPIs and are only useful when researching a specific
>>> issue or after a use case specific threshold has been set.
>>> The main "canaries" I monitor are:
>>> * Pending compactions (dependent on the compaction strategy chosen but
>>> 1000 is a sign of severe issues in all cases)
>>> * dropped mutations (more than one I treat as a event to investigate, I
>>> believe in allowing operational overhead and any evidence of load shedding
>>> suggests I may not have as much as I thought)
>>> * blocked anything (flush writers, etc..more than one I investigate)
>>> * system hints ( More than 1k I investigate)
>>> * heap usage and gc time vary a lot by use case and collector chosen, I
>>> aim for below 65% usage as an average with g1, but this again varies by use
>>> case a great deal. Sometimes I just looks the chart and query patterns and
>>> if they don't line up I have to do other deeper investigations
>>> * read and write latencies exceeding SLA is also use case dependent.
>>> Those that have none I tend to push towards p99 with a middle end SSD based
>>> system having 100ms and a spindle based system having 600ms with CL one and
>>> assuming a "typical" query pattern (again query patterns and CL so vary
>>> here)
>>> * cell count and partition size vary greatly by hardware and gc tuning
>>> but I like to in the absence of all other relevant information like to keep
>>> cell count for a partition below 100k and size below 100mb. I however have
>>> many successful use cases running more and I've had some fail well before
>>> that. Hardware and tuning tradeoff a shift this around a lot.
>>> There is unfortunately as you'll note a lot of nuance and the load out
>>> really changes what looks right (down to the model of SSDs I have different
>>> expectations for p99s if it's a model I haven't used before I'll do some
>>> comparative testing).
>>> The reason so much of this is general and vague is my selection bias.
>>> I'm brought in when people are complaining about performance or some grand
>>> systemic crash because they were monitoring nothing. I have little ability
>>> to change hardware initially so I have to be willing to allow the hardware
>>> to do the best it can an establish levels where it can no longer keep up
>>> with the customers goals. This may mean for some use cases 10 pending
>>> compactions is an actionable event for them, for another customer 100 is.
>>> The better approach is to establish a baseline for when these metrics start
>>> to indicate a serious issue is occurring in that particular app. Basically
>>> when people notice a problem, what did these numbers look like in the
>>> minutes, hours and days prior? That's the way to establish the levels
>>> consistently.
>>> Regards,
>>> Ryan Svihla
>>> On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 4:48 AM -0500, "Thomas Julian" <
>>> thomasjul...@zoho.com
>>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','thomasjul...@zoho.com');>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>>> I am working on setting up a monitoring tool to monitor Cassandra
>>>> Instances. Are there any wikis which specifies optimum value for each
>>>> Cassandra KPIs?
>>>> For instance, I am not sure,
>>>>    1. What value of "Memtable Columns Count" can be considered as
>>>>    "Normal".
>>>>    2. What value of the same has to be considered as "Critical".
>>>> I knew threshold numbers for few params, for instance any thing more
>>>> than zero for timeouts, pending tasks should be considered as unusual.
>>>> Also, I am aware that most of the statistics' threshold numbers vary in
>>>> accordance with Hardware Specification, Cassandra Environment Setup. But,
>>>> what I request here is a general guideline for configuring thresholds for
>>>> all the metrics.
>>>> If this has been already covered, please point me to that resource. If
>>>> anyone on their own interest collected these things, please share.
>>>> Any help is appreciated.
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> Julian.

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