That's pretty low already, but perhaps you should lower to see if it will
improve the dropped mutations during anti-compaction (even if it increases
repair time), otherwise the problem might be somewhere else. Generally
dropped mutations is a signal of cluster overload, so if there's nothing
else wrong perhaps you need to increase your capacity. What version are you

2016-08-10 8:21 GMT-03:00 Stefano Ortolani <>:

> Not yet. Right now I have it set at 16.
> Would halving it more or less double the repair time?
> On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 7:58 PM, Paulo Motta <>
> wrote:
>> Anticompaction throttling can be done by setting the usual
>> compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec knob on cassandra.yaml or via nodetool
>> setcompactionthroughput. Did you try lowering that  and checking if that
>> improves the dropped mutations?
>> 2016-08-09 13:32 GMT-03:00 Stefano Ortolani <>:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am running incremental repaird on a weekly basis (can't do it every
>>> day as one single run takes 36 hours), and every time, I have at least one
>>> node dropping mutations as part of the process (this almost always during
>>> the anticompaction phase). Ironically this leads to a system where
>>> repairing makes data consistent at the cost of making some other data not
>>> consistent.
>>> Does anybody know why this is happening?
>>> My feeling is that this might be caused by anticompacting column
>>> families with really wide rows and with many SStables. If that is the case,
>>> any way I can throttle that?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Stefano

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