Hi All, there are two questions CassandraDaemon. 1. I do confuse about the EmbededCassandraService.java think it should provide a CassandraDaemon stop method.find a ticket about this https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-7595. but it not accepted in C * 3.x.anyone know why?
2. I have started a cassandradaemon instance with gradle task like this: cassandra =new CassandraDaemon(); try { cassandra.init(null); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } cassandra.completeSetup(); cassandra.startNativeTransport(); it do start,and can connect. but when the task finished,have not found cassandra instances before run stop task? it have deactived,and i can run start cassandra task again. how to explain this? thanks stone