
it depends.
- If you defined the type as a frozen<map> there will not be tombstone, as
the map is stored as one binary blob. The update is handled as a normal
- If you do not use the frozen keyword you are right. There will be range
tombstones for all columns that have been deleted or updated.

2016-07-11 16:16 GMT+02:00 Jan Algermissen <algermissen1...@icloud.com>:

> Hi,
> when I replace the content of a map-valued column (when I replace the
> complete map), will this create tombstones for those map entries that are
> not present in the new map?
> My expectation is 'yes', because the map is laid out as normal columns
> internally so keys not in the new map should lead to a delete.
> Is that correct?
> Jan

Matthias Niehoff | IT-Consultant | Agile Software Factory  | Consulting
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