I'm sorry, I've just noticed I missed to type a few words

1. Before the upgrade, always make sure you have sstables on the latest
version of the current Cassandra version you are running (by running
nodetool upgradesstables on all nodes - if they are latest, they should
return almost immediately; but if you have lots of compactions already in
the queue, and few slots, it still might take a bit more time, from several
seconds till 1-2 minutes, as I observed).

On 23 May 2016 at 13:21, Vitalii Skakun <vitalii.ska...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> my understanding after reading the upgrade doc and looking through the
> email lists was the following:
> 1. Before the upgrade, always make sure you have sstables on the latest
> version of the current Cassandra version you are running (by running
> nodetool upgradesstables on all nodes - if they are latest, they should.
> 2. Before the major point upgrade, make sure you are on latest minor
> version of Cassandra (for 2.0 it is 2.0.17)
> 3. make sure to run upgradesstables right after the upgrade
> I did 2.0.17 -> 2.1.14 upgrade last week , in combination with cluster
> extension, so I just followed what is stated in the doc and explained in
> email lists.
> And regarding your questions here is what I did in sequential order, not
> in parallel:
> - cleanup after the extension, before the C* upgrade (in one case)
> - upgradesstables right before the upgrade (to be sure sstables are on
> latest version of the C* 2.0.17 before upgrade to 2.1.14)
> - upgradesstables right after the C* upgrade
> - cleanup after the upgradesstables (which in turn was right after the C*
> upgrade)
> hope this helps,
> On 23 May 2016 at 10:52, Erik Forsberg <forsb...@opera.com> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I have a 2.0.13 cluster which I have just extended, and I'm now looking
>> into upgrading it to 2.1.
>> * The cleanup after the extension is partially done.
>> * I'm also looking into changing a few tables into Leveled Compaction
>> Strategy.
>> In the interest of speeding up things by avoiding unnecessary rewrites of
>> data, I'm pondering if I can:
>> 1. Upgrade to 2.1, then run cleanup instead of upgradesstables getting
>> cleanup + upgrade of sstable format to ka at the same time?
>> 2. Upgrade to 2.1, then change compaction strategy and get LCS + upgrade
>> of sstable format to ka at the same time?
>> Comments on that?
>> Thanks,
>> \EF
> --
> ----
> with best regards,
> Vitalii Skakun


with best regards,
Vitalii Skakun

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