On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 2:16 PM, Drew Kutcharian <d...@venarc.com> wrote:
> OK to make things even more confusing, the “Release” files in the Apache Repo 
> say "Origin: Unofficial Cassandra Packages”!!
> i.e. http://dl.bintray.com/apache/cassandra/dists/35x/:Release

Yes, as I remember, someone was concerned that the use of the word
"Debian" might be interpreted to mean that the packages were Official
in the Debian sense.

So, these packages-meant-to-be-installed-on-Debian-systems *are* the
official packages of the Apache™ Cassandra™ Project, even if they are
*not* officially a part of Debian™.

Make sense? :)

Eric Evans

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