'unsubscribe cassandra' in google search (probably not the best keywords):

Result 1: http://www.planetcassandra.org/apache-cassandra-mailing-lists/
Result 2: http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/cassandra-user/
Result 3: http://cassandra.apache.org/

I did the work for you: sending a message to
user-unsubscr...@cassandra.apache.org, as mentioned everywhere, should work
better and annoy less people.


2016-04-11 17:36 GMT+02:00 Scott Thompson <

> *Scott Thompson*
> *  ________________________________  *
> This message and any attached documents are only for the use of the
> intended recipient(s), are confidential and may contain privileged
> information. Any unauthorized review, use, retransmission, or other
> disclosure is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in
> error, please notify the sender immediately, and then delete the original
> message. Thank you.

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