Cassandra is not good for table scan type queries (which count(*) typically 
is). While there are some attempts to do that (as noted below), this is a path 
I avoid.

Sean Durity

From: Max C []
Sent: Saturday, April 09, 2016 6:19 PM
Subject: Re: 1, 2, 3...

Looks like this guy (Brian Hess) wrote a script to split the token range and 
run count(*) on each subrange:

- Max

On Apr 8, 2016, at 10:56 pm, Jeff Jirsa 
<<>> wrote:

SELECT COUNT(*) probably works (with internal paging) on many datasets with 
enough time and assuming you don’t have any partitions that will kill you.

No, it doesn’t count extra replicas / duplicates.

The old way to do this (before paging / fetch size) was to use manual paging 
based on tokens/clustering keys: – SELECT’s 
WHERE clause can use token(), which is what you’d want to use to page through 
the whole token space.

You could, in theory, issue thousands of queries in parallel, all for different 
token ranges, and then sum the results. That’s what something like spark would 
be doing. If you want to determine rows per node, limit the token range to that 
owned by the node (easier with 1 token than vnodes, with vnodes repeat 
num_tokens times).


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