Thanks Jeff. If one needs to use OpsCenter with 2.2 or earlier versions of 
Apache Cassandra, is he required to buy license for it separately? What are the 
options if someone wants to use OpsCenter with Apache Distributed 3.x 
(commercial use)?


Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Sun, 10 Apr, 2016 at 10:42 PM, Jeff Jirsa<> 
wrote:   It is possible to use OpsCenter for open source / community versions 
up to 2.2.x. It will not be possible in 3.0+

From:  Anuj Wadehra
Reply-To:  ""
Date:  Sunday, April 10, 2016 at 9:28 AM
To:  User
Subject:  DataStax OpsCenter with Apache Cassandra


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