What is CS?

On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 10:03 AM Kevin Burton <bur...@spinn3r.com> wrote:

> I have a paging model whereby we stream data from CS by fetching 'pages'
> thereby reading (sequentially) entire datasets.
> We're using the bucket approach where we write data for 5 minutes, then we
> can just fetch the bucket for that range.
> Our app now has TONS of data and we have a piece of middleware that
> filters it based on the client requests.
> So if they only want english they just get english and filter away about
> 60% of our data.
> but it doesn't support condition pushdown.  So ALL this data has to be
> sent from our CS boxes to our middleware and filtered there (wasting a lot
> of network IO).
> Is there away (including refactoring the code) that I could push this this
> into CS?  Maybe some way I could discovery the CS topology and put daemons
> on each of our CS boxes and fetch from CS directly (doing the filtering
> there).
> Thoughts?
> --
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