Hello Team, How to design/develop the best data model for this JSON ?
var json=[ { "id":"9a55fdf6-eeab-4c83-9c6f-04c7df1b3225", "user":"ssatish", "event":"business", "occurredOn":"09 Mar 2016 17:55:15.292-0600", "eventObject": { "objectType":"LOAD", "id":"12345", "state":"ARRIVAL", "associatedAttrs": [ { "type":"location_id", "value":"100" }, { "type":"location_type", "value":"STORE" }, { "type":"arrival_ts", "value":"2015-12-12T10:10:10" } ] } }] I've taken this approach : create type event_object_0328 ( Object_Type text, Object_ID Int, Object_State text ) ; create table Events ( event_id timeuuid, event_type text, triggered_by text, triggered_ts timestamp, Appl_ID text, eventObject frozen<event_object_0328>, primary key (event_id) ) ; Now I need to build the Associated Attributes (Highlighted above in JSON text). The Associated Attributes can be very dynamic and shall come in any (Key,Value) pair combination. -- Lokesh This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error destroy it immediately. *** Walmart Confidential ***