thanks, we are going to have 500 000 msgs per day, historical database will
be growing every day, but we also want one cluster with one day of data.
most of the time we will be pushing data into database, but we also want to
execute client's queries and allow them to fetch historical trades and
orders. we also need to run some analytics  for reporting on one of day
data cluster. the cluster should be HA 99% of time as we will have RMDS
backup solution also for trades.

On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 9:33 PM, Jack Krupansky <>

> How much data do you expect to have - amount added per day, number of days
> kept, amount of data per trade, number of tradable securities (or whatever
> you are trading?
> What kind of access patterns do you expect? Like append, any updates, what
> queries, any analytics.
> Generally, queries and access patterns will drive the data modeling, and
> also impact how much data you can realistically place on each node.
> What are your HA (High Availability) requirements?
> -- Jack Krupansky
> On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 2:40 PM, Jonathan Haddad <>
> wrote:
>> You can use keyspaces with multiple data centers to get what you want.
>> That said, if you're going to use only 1 node, I don't think Cassandra is
>> the right fit for you.
>> On Fri, Mar 25, 2016 at 11:09 AM Vero Kato <> wrote:
>>> hi, we are building trading system and we want to use cassandra as our
>>> database.
>>> we want this set-up:
>>> one node which stored one day set of data which will be running on the
>>> same host as trading application
>>> two nodes which store all data (for the current date and historical)
>>> which will be running on other boxes.
>>> can you please suggest how easily it will be to have this set-up? i.e.
>>> we have three nodes, but one of them (on the same box where our app
>>> located) will be discarding all historical data which are older than one
>>> day?
>>> thanks

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