
Local quorum works in the same data center as the coordinator node, but when an app server execute the write query, how is the coordinator node chosen?

I use the node.js driver. How do the driver client determine which cassandra nodes are in the same DC as the client node? Does it use private network IP [192.168.x.x etc] to auto detect, or must I manually provide a localBalancing policy by `new DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy( localDcName )`?

If a partition is not available in the local DC, i.e. if the local replica node fails or all replica nodes are in remote DC, will local quorum fail? If it doesn't fail, there is no guarantee that it all queries on a partition will be directed to the same data center, so does it means strong consistency cannot be expected?

Another question:

Suppose I have replication factor 3. If one of the node fails, will queries with ALL consistency fail if the queried partition is on the failed node? Or would they continue to work with 2 replicas during the time while cassandra is replicating the partitions on the failed node to re-establish 3 replicas?

Thank you.

X. F. Li

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