Yes, gossip is how Cassandra knows which nodes are alive in the cluster.
But... that has nothing to do with SELECT. It's still not clear what you
are really getting at. I mean, if you have gone through the (free) online
training and (free) doc on Cassandra architecture, what is it you are still
trying to understand?


Generally, your SELECT should be restricted to the data on a single node,
such as by specifying a specific partition key or a token range. The
partition key can be hashed to get a token value which can directly be
mapped to a node (or multiple nodes with replication.) Ad hoc, complex, and
expensive queries are anti-patterns in Cassandra (very discouraged if not
outright not supported.)

-- Jack Krupansky

On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 12:25 PM, Thouraya TH <> wrote:

> Yes, i have tested that, but, i'd like to understand the architecture
> behind the command SELECT
> how it works ? it use gossip protocol to get live nodes ?
> Thank you for explanations.
> Kind regards.
> 2016-03-17 17:17 GMT+01:00 Carlos Alonso <>:
>> Yes, they could.
>> Carlos Alonso | Software Engineer | @calonso
>> <>
>> On 17 March 2016 at 16:10, Thouraya TH <> wrote:
>>> Hi all;
>>> Please, i have a question about the architecure behind SELECT command.
>>> Given this table:
>>>   c1       c2      c3
>>> value1 value2   value3
>>> ...............................
>>> ................................
>>> etc...
>>> lines of this table are distributed over nodes that's it ?
>>> Thank you so much for answers.
>>> Kind regards.

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