Um, I’m not entirely sure how I misread it, since this was copy-pasted from the 
  UPDATE atable SET col = some_function(?) …;

So the document examples certainly seem to support the use of UDF in UPDATE.  I 
suppose the document may be more erroneous in its writing than I in its 

Additionally, this statement works in cqlsh (presuming max_int() is a UDF):
  UPDATE test_table SET data=max_int(3,4) WHERE idx='abc’;

So, if the grammar is not supposed to allow this, then there is a bug somewhere 
because in 3.3 it certainly seems to be parsed and executed without complaint.


From: DuyHai Doan <<>>
Reply-To: "<>" 
Date: Thursday, March 10, 2016 at 13:21
To: "<>" 
Subject: Re: Using User Defined Functions in UPDATE queries

You have misread the CQL doc given in the link. According to CQL update grammar 
it's not possible to use UDF. I see UDF only allowed in select clause...

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