You're right, it's a bug

 I have created an issue here to fix it here:

 Fortunately you can use the query API right now to insert the static

 PreparedStatement ps = .... INSERT INTO ....
 BoundStatement bs = ps.bind(...)


 Optionally you can also use update DSL to set those static values:


On Thu, Mar 3, 2016 at 9:02 AM, Raman Gugnani <>

> Hi
> I am to trying to insert data into cassandra using achilles which contains
> only partition key and static columns(all other columns and clustering key
> are null), but getting error
> info.archinnov.achilles.exception.AchillesException: Field 'membername'
> in entity of type '' should not
> be null because it is a clustering column
> I am trying below insert through achilles
> TeamMember teamMember = new TeamMember();
> teamMember.setTeamname("raman");
> teamMember.setManager("rahul");
> teamMember.setLocation("india");
> manager.crud().insert(teamMember).withInsertStrategy(InsertStrategy.NOT_NULL_FIELDS).execute();
> But as per the refrence link it is possible to insert static columns only
> with partition key.
> reference link :
> CREATE TABLE teammember_by_team (
>   teamname text,
>   manager text static,
>   location text static,
>   membername text,
>   nationality text,
>   position text,
>   PRIMARY KEY ((teamname), membername)
> );
> INSERT INTO teammember_by_team (teamname, manager, location)
> VALUES (‘Red Bull’, ‘Christian Horner’, ‘<unknown>’);
> teamname  | membername | location | manager          | nationality | position
> ----------+------------+----------+------------------+-------------+----------
>  Red Bull |       null | <unkown> | Christian Horner |        null |     null
> --
> Thanks & Regards
> Raman Gugnani
> *Senior Software Engineer | CaMS*
> M: +91 8588892293 | T: 0124-6600000 | EXT: 14255
> ASF Centre A | 2nd Floor | CA-2130 | Udyog Vihar Phase IV |
> Gurgaon | Haryana | India
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