What version of Cassandra are you using?  I just tested this out against
trunk and got reasonable behavior:

cqlsh:ks1> CREATE TABLE test (k int, s1 int static, s2 int static, c int, v
int, PRIMARY KEY (k, c));
cqlsh:ks1> INSERT INTO test (k, c, v) VALUES (0, 0, 0);
cqlsh:ks1> UPDATE test SET s1 = 0 WHERE k = 0 IF s1 = null;


cqlsh:ks1> TRUNCATE test;
cqlsh:ks1> INSERT INTO test (k, c, v) VALUES (0, 0, 0);
cqlsh:ks1> INSERT INTO test (k, s1) VALUES (0, 0) IF NOT EXISTS;


On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 6:15 PM, Nimi Wariboko Jr <n...@channelmeter.com>

> I have a table with 2 static columns, and I write to either one of them,
> if I then write to the other one using IF NOT EXISTS, it fails even though
> it has never been written too before. Is it the case that all static
> columns share the same "written too" marker?
> Given a table like so:
>   id timeuuid,
>   foo int static,
>   bar int static,
>   baz int,
>   baq int
>   PRIMARY KEY (id, baz)
> )
> I'm seeing some confusing behavior see the statements below -
> """
> INSERT INTO cmpayments.report_payments (id, foo) VALUES (NOW(), 1) IF NOT
> EXISTS; // succeeds
> TRUNCATE test;
> INSERT INTO cmpayments.report_payments (id, baq) VALUES
> (99c30000-b01a-11e5-b170-0242ac110002, 1);
> UPDATE cmpayments.report_payments SET foo = 1 WHERE
> id=99c30000-b01a-11e5-b170-0242ac110002 IF foo=null; // fails, even though
> foo=null
> TRUNCATE test;
> INSERT INTO cmpayments.report_payments (id, bar) VALUES
> (99c30000-b01a-11e5-b170-0242ac110002, 1); // succeeds
> INSERT INTO cmpayments.report_payments (id, foo) VALUES (NOW(), 1) IF NOT
> EXISTS; // fails, even though foo=null, and has never been written too
> """
> Nimi

Tyler Hobbs
DataStax <http://datastax.com/>

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