I am using cqlsh 5.0.1 | Cassandra 2.1.2, recently we are unable to see
/ desc keyspaces and query tables through cqlsh on either of the two nodes
cqlsh> desc keyspaces
cqlsh> use user_index;
cqlsh:user_index> desc table list_1_10;
Keyspace 'user_index' not found.
cqlsh> select * from system.schema_keyspaces;
Keyspace 'system' not found.
We are running a 2 node cluster. The Python - Django app that inserts
data is running without any failure and system logs show nothing abnormal.
./nodetool repair on one node hasn't helped ./nodetool cfstats shows all
the tables too
Kedar Parikh
Ext : 2224
Dir : +91 22 61782224
Mob : +91 9819634734
Email : kedar.par...@netcore.co.in
Web : www.netcore.co.in