Are you using vnodes by any chance? If so, how many? How many nodes and
what's the replication factor? How was data inserted (at what consistency

Streaming might create a large number of sstables with vnodes (see
CASSANDRA-10495), so in case data is inconsistent between nodes (detected
during the validation phase) a large number of sstables might be created
during the streaming phase of the repair. This might happen with or without
incremental repairs.

There is also a migration step from non-incremental to incremental repair
that must be followed for LCS tables to avoid recompacting all sstables
again. You may find more information in the migration procedure on

2016-02-10 14:16 GMT-03:00 Jean Carlo <>:

> Hello Kai
> This is for *cf3*
> nodetool cfstats pns_nonreg_bench.cf3 -H
> Keyspace: pns_nonreg_bench
>     Read Count: 23594
>     Read Latency: 1.2980987539204882 ms.
>     Write Count: 148161
>     Write Latency: 0.04608940274431193 ms.
>     Pending Flushes: 0
>         Table: cf3
>         SSTable count: 11489
>         SSTables in each level: [11485/4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
>         Space used (live): 954.89 MB
>         Space used (total): 954.89 MB
>         Space used by snapshots (total): 0 bytes
>         Off heap memory used (total): 3.74 MB
>         SSTable Compression Ratio: 0.4245371280396339
>         Number of keys (estimate): 1051613
>         Memtable cell count: 0
>         Memtable data size: 0 bytes
>         Memtable off heap memory used: 0 bytes
>         Memtable switch count: 889
>         Local read count: 23594
>         Local read latency: 1.299 ms
>         Local write count: 148161
>         Local write latency: 0.047 ms
>         Pending flushes: 0
>         Bloom filter false positives: 16609
>         Bloom filter false ratio: 0.00000
>         Bloom filter space used: 1.64 MB
>         Bloom filter off heap memory used: 1.55 MB
>         Index summary off heap memory used: 1.88 MB
>         Compression metadata off heap memory used: 318.56 KB
>         Compacted partition minimum bytes: 643 bytes
>         Compacted partition maximum bytes: 924 bytes
>         Compacted partition mean bytes: 914 bytes
>         Average live cells per slice (last five minutes): 1.0
>         Maximum live cells per slice (last five minutes): 1.0
>         Average tombstones per slice (last five minutes): 0.0
>         Maximum tombstones per slice (last five minutes): 0.0
> ----------------
> This is for *cf1*
> nodetool cfstats pns_nonreg_bench.cf1 -H
> Keyspace: pns_nonreg_bench
>     Read Count: 24207
>     Read Latency: 0.9072712851654481 ms.
>     Write Count: 148380
>     Write Latency: 0.04561746866154468 ms.
>     Pending Flushes: 0
>         Table: cf1
>         SSTable count: 1942
> It seems that nodetool does not retrieve the rest of the information, I
> think it is due to compactions
> nodetool tpstats
> CompactionExecutor                2        83           1424
> 0                 0
> Saludos
> Jean Carlo
> "The best way to predict the future is to invent it" Alan Kay
> On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 6:00 PM, Kai Wang <> wrote:
>> Jean,
>> What does your cfstats look like? Especially "SSTables in each level"
>> line.
>> On Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 8:33 AM, Jean Carlo <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello guys!
>>> I am testing the repair inc in my custer cassandra. I am doing my test
>>> over these tables
>>> *CREATE TABLE pns_nonreg_bench.cf3* (
>>>     s text,
>>>     sp int,
>>>     d text,
>>>     dp int,
>>>     m map<text, text>,
>>>     t timestamp,
>>>     PRIMARY KEY (s, sp, d, dp)
>>> AND compaction = {'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.
>>> *LeveledCompactionStrategy*'}
>>>     AND compression = {'sstable_compression':
>>> '*SnappyCompressor*'}
>>> *CREATE TABLE pns_nonreg_bench.cf1* (
>>>     ise text PRIMARY KEY,
>>>     int_col int,
>>>     text_col text,
>>>     ts_col timestamp,
>>>     uuid_col uuid
>>> ) WITH bloom_filter_fp_chance = 0.01
>>>  AND compaction = {'class': 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.
>>> *LeveledCompactionStrategy*'}
>>>     AND compression = {'sstable_compression':
>>> '*SnappyCompressor*'}
>>> *table cf1        Space used (live): 665.7 MB*
>>> *table cf2*
>>> *        Space used (live): 697.03 MB*
>>> It happens that when I do repair -inc -par on theses tables, *cf2 got a
>>> pick of 3k sstables*. When the repair finish, it takes 30 min or more
>>> to finish all the compactations and return to 6 sstable.
>>> I am a little concern about if this will happen on production. is it
>>> normal?
>>> Saludos
>>> Jean Carlo
>>> "The best way to predict the future is to invent it" Alan Kay

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