Look at Achilles and how it models Partition key & clustering columns:


On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 12:48 PM, Atul Saroha <atul.sar...@snapdeal.com>

> I know the most popular ORM api
>    1. Kundera :
> https://github.com/impetus-opensource/Kundera/wiki/Using-Compound-keys-with-Kundera
>    2. Hector (outdated- no longer in development)
> I am bit confuse to model this table into java domain entity structure
>   id int,
>   c1 text STATIC,
>   c2 boolean STATIC,
>   c3 text,
>   c4 text,
>   PRIMARY KEY (id, c3)
> );
> One way is to create compound key based on id and c3 column as shown
> below.
>> @Entity
>> @Table(name="PrimeUser", schema="ks")
>> public class PrimeUser
>> {
>>     @EmbeddedId
>>     private CompoundKey key;
>>    @Column
>>    private String c1;
>>    @Column
>>    private String c2;
>>    @Column
>>    private String c4;
>> }
>> Here key has to be an Embeddable entity:
>> @Embeddable
>> public class CompoundKey
>> {
>>     @Column private int id;
>>     @Column private String c1;
>> }
>> Then again when we fetch the data based on id only then c1 and c2 will be
> duplicated multiple times object, even though they are stored per "id"
> basis. c3 column is cluster key and its corresponding value is mapped to
> column c4. We avoid using map<c3,c4> here as it will cause performance hit.
> Also he have use cases to fetch the data based on (b1,c3) both also.
> Is there any other ORM API which handle such scenario.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Atul Saroha
> *Sr. Software Engineer*
> *M*: +91 8447784271 *T*: +91 124-415-6069 *EXT*: 12369
> Plot # 362, ASF Centre - Tower A, Udyog Vihar,
>  Phase -4, Sector 18, Gurgaon, Haryana 122016, INDIA

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