Thanks for your response Jack.

We are already sold on distributed databases, HA and scaling.  We just have
some small deployments coming up where there's no money for servers to run
multiple Cassandra nodes.

So, aside from the lack of HA, I'm asking if a single Cassandra node would
be viable in a production environment.  (There would be RAID 5 and the RAID
controller cache is backed by flash memory).

I'm asking because I'm concerned about using Cassandra in a way that it's
not designed for.  That to me is the unsettling aspect.

If this is a bad idea, give me the ammo I need to shoot it down.  I need
specific technical reasons.



On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 4:47 PM, Jack Krupansky <>

> Is single-node Cassandra has the performance (and capacity) you need and
> the NoSQL data model and API are sufficient for your app, and your dev and
> ops and support teams are already familiar with and committed to Cassandra,
> and you don't need HA or scaling, then it sounds like you are set.
> You asked about risks, and normally lack of HA and scaling are
> unacceptable risks when people are looking at distributed databases.
> Most people on this list are dedicated to and passionate about distributed
> databases, HA, and scaling, so it is distinctly unsettling when somebody
> comes along who isn't interested in and committed to those same three
> qualities. But if single-node happens to work for you, then that's great.
> -- Jack Krupansky

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