Yes... I agree with Rob here.  I don't see much benchmarking required for
versions of Cassandra that aren't actively supported by the committers.

On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 10:52 AM Robert Coli <> wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 15, 2015 at 6:28 AM, Andy Kruth <> wrote:
>> We are trying to decide how to proceed with development and support of
>> YCSB bindings for older versions of Cassandra, namely Cassandra 7, 8, and
>> 10.
>> We would like to continue dev and support on these if the use of those
>> versions of Cassandra is still prevalent. If not, then a deprecation cycle
>> may be the best idea, in favor of CQL based bindings for modern versions of
>> Cassandra.
>> Any input from the Cassandra community on how common the usage of
>> Cassandra 7, 8, and 10 are would be very helpful, thanks a lot.
> Due to the adoption curve of Cassandra, very few people are left on these
> versions. I very, very rarely encounter questions about the 0.x series here
> or in #cassandra.
> Same is true to a slightly lesser extent for 1.0 series. Some shops rarely
> upgrade, but those kinds of shops are unlikely to need rigorous performance
> comparison courtesy of YCSB?
> =Rob

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