Yes, I discard using "SELECT *" statement and that fix the problem.

2015-10-02 1:50 GMT+08:00 Alexandre Dutra <>:

> Hello Joseph,
> CASSANDRA-7910 is fixed for Cassandra 2.1.3, but it still needs a fix
> driver-side: JAVA-420 <>.
> Until this is not solved, the workaround (and the best practice) is to
> avoid using "SELECT *" statements and explicitly name the columns you need.
> Hope that helps,
> Alexandre
> On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 4:58 AM joseph gao <> wrote:
>> if already fixed, my use case is wrong. But I think it's very normal case.
>> 2015-08-28 10:57 GMT+08:00 joseph gao <>:
>>> I don't understand, does the issue mean 'don't use wildcard' or 'already
>>> fixed'?
>>> 2015-08-26 15:16 GMT+08:00 Peer, Oded <>:
>>>> See
>>>> *From:* joseph gao []
>>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 26, 2015 6:15 AM
>>>> *To:*
>>>> *Subject:* Re: PrepareStatement BUG
>>>> Hi, anybody knows how to resolve this problem?
>>>> 2015-08-23 1:35 GMT+08:00 joseph gao <>:
>>>> I'm using cassandra 2.1.7 and datastax java drive 2.1.6
>>>> Here is the problem:
>>>> I use PrepareStatement for query like : SELECT * FROM
>>>> somespace.sometable where id = ?
>>>> And I Cached the PrepareStatement in my jvm;
>>>> When the table metadata has changed like a column was added;
>>>> And I use the cached PrepareStament , the data and the metadata(column
>>>> definations) don't match.
>>>> So I re-prepare the sql using session.prepare(sql) again, but i see the
>>>> code in the async-prepare callback part:
>>>> stmt = cluster.manager.addPrepare(stmt); in the
>>>> this will return the previous PrepareStatement.
>>>> So it neither re-prepare automatically nor allow user to re-prepare!
>>>> Is this a bug or I use it like a fool?
>>>> --
>>>> ------
>>>> Joseph Gao
>>>> PhoneNum:15210513582
>>>> QQ: 409343351
>>>> --
>>>> ------
>>>> Joseph Gao
>>>> PhoneNum:15210513582
>>>> QQ: 409343351
>>> --
>>> ------
>>> Joseph Gao
>>> PhoneNum:15210513582
>>> QQ: 409343351
>> --
>> ------
>> Joseph Gao
>> PhoneNum:15210513582
>> QQ: 409343351
> --
> Alexandre Dutra
> Driver & Tools Engineer @ DataStax

Joseph Gao
QQ: 409343351

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