Sebastian (and others, help is always appreciated),

After 24h OK, read latencies started to degrade (up to 20ms) and I had to ramp down volumes again.

The degradation is clearly linked to the number read IOPs which went up to 1.65k/s after 24h.

If anybody can give me hints on what I should look at, I'm very happy to do so.


On 11/23/2015 12:07 PM, Antoine Bonavita wrote:

I tried to ramp up volume with this new setting and ran into the same

After that I restarted my nodes. This pretty much instantly got read
latencies back to normal (< 5ms) on the 32G nodes.

I am currently ramping up volumes again and here is what I am seeing on
32G nodes:
* Read latencies are OK (<5ms)
* A lot of read IOPS (~ 400 read/s)
* I enabled logging for the DateCompactionStrategy and I get only this
kind of lines :
DEBUG [CompactionExecutor:186] 2015-11-23 12:02:45,915 - Compaction buckets are []
DEBUG [CompactionExecutor:186] 2015-11-23 12:03:16,704 - Compaction buckets are

* When I run pcstats I still get about 100 *-Data.db files loaded at 15%
(which is what I was seeing with max_sstable_age_days set at 5).

I'm really happy with the first item in my list but the other items seem
to indicate something is still wrong and it does not look like it's

Any help would be truly appreciated.


On 11/20/2015 12:58 AM, Antoine Bonavita wrote:

I took into account your suggestion and set max_sstable_age_days to 1.

I left the TTL at 432000 and the gc_grace_seconds at 172800. So, I
expect SSTable older than 7 days to get deleted. Am I right ?

I did not change dclocal_read_repair_chance because I have only one DC
at this point in time. Did you mean that I should set read_repair_chance
to 0 ?

Thanks again for your time and help. Really appreciated.


On 11/19/2015 02:36 AM, Sebastian Estevez wrote:
    When you say drop you mean reduce the value (to 1 day for example),
    not "don't set the value", right ?


    If I set max sstable age days to 1, my understanding is that
    SSTables with expired data (5 days) are not going to be compacted
    ever. And therefore my disk usage will keep growing forever. Did I
    miss something here ?

We will expire sstables who's highest TTL is beyond gc_grace_seconds as
<>. This is nice
because the sstable is just dropped for free, no need to scan it and
remove tombstones which is very expensive and DTCS will guarantee that
all the data within an sstable is close together in time.

    So, if I set max sstable age days to 1, I have to run repairs at
    least once a day, correct ?

    I'm afraid I don't get your point about painful compactions.

I was referring to the problems described here CASSANDRA-9644

All the best,

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Sebastián Estévez

Solutions Architect |954 905 8615 |

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DataStax is the fastest, most scalable distributed database technology,
delivering Apache Cassandra to the world’s most innovative enterprises.
Datastax is built to be agile, always-on, and predictably scalable to
any size. With more than 500 customers in 45 countries, DataStax is the
database technology and transactional backbone of choice for the worlds
most innovative companies such as Netflix, Adobe, Intuit, and eBay.

On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 5:53 PM, Antoine Bonavita <
<>> wrote:


    Your help is very much appreciated. I re-read the blog post and also but some
    things are still confusing me.

    Please see my questions inline below.

    On 11/18/2015 04:21 PM, Sebastian Estevez wrote:

        Yep, I think you've mixed up your DTCS levers. I would read, or
        Marcus's post


           * *base_time_seconds*  is the size of your initial window
           * *max_sstable_age_days* is the time after which you stop
           * *default_time_to_live* is the time after which data
expires and
             sstables will start to become available for GC. (432000 is
        5 days)

             Could it be that compaction is putting those in cache

        Yep, you'll keep compacting sstables until they're 10 days old
        per your
        current settings and when you compact there are reads and then

        If you aren't doing any updates and most of your reads are
within 1
        hour, you can probably afford to drop max sstable age days.

    When you say drop you mean reduce the value (to 1 day for example),
    not "don't set the value", right ?

    If I set max sstable age days to 1, my understanding is that
    SSTables with expired data (5 days) are not going to be compacted
    ever. And therefore my disk usage will keep growing forever. Did I
    miss something here ?

        Just make
        sure you're doing your repairs more often than the max sstable
        age days
        to avoid some painful compactions.

    So, if I set max sstable age days to 1, I have to run repairs at
    least once a day, correct ?
    I'm afraid I don't get your point about painful compactions.

        Along the same lines, you should probably set
        to 0

    Will try that.

             Regarding the heap configuration, both are very similar

        Probably unrelated but, is there a reason why they're not
        Especially the different new gen size could have gc

    Both are calculated by If my bash skills are still
    intact, the NewGen size difference comes from the number of cores:
    the 64G machine has 12 cores where the 32G machine has 8 cores (I
    did not even realize this before looking into this, that's why I did
    not mention it in my previous emails).

    Thanks a lot for your help.


        All the best,

        datastax_logo.png <>

        Sebastián Estévez

        Solutions Architect |954 905 8615 <tel:954%20905%208615> |





        DataStax is the fastest, most scalable distributed database
        delivering Apache Cassandra to the world’s most innovative
        Datastax is built to be agile, always-on, and predictably
        scalable to
        any size. With more than 500 customers in 45 countries, DataStax
        is the
        database technology and transactional backbone of choice for the
        most innovative companies such as Netflix, Adobe, Intuit, and

        On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 6:44 AM, Antoine Bonavita
        < <>
        < <>>>

             Sebastian, Robet,

             First, a big thank you to both of you for your help.

             It looks like you were right. I used pcstat (awesome tool,
             for that as well) and it appears some files I would not
        expect to be
             in cache actually are. Here is a sample of my output
        (edited for
             convenience, adding the file timestamp from the OS):



             - 000.619 % - Nov 16 12:25


             - 000.681 % - Nov 16 13:44


             -  000.610 % - Nov 16 14:11


             - 015.621 % - Nov 16 14:26


             - 015.558 % - Nov 16 14:50

             The SSTables that come before are all at about 0% and the
        ones that
             come after it are all at about 15%.

             As you can see the first SSTable at 15% date back from 24h.
        Given my
             application I'm pretty sure those are not from the reads
        (reads of
             data older than 1h is definitely under 0.1% of reads).
        Could it be
             that compaction is putting those in cache constantly ?
             If so, then I'm probably confused on the meaning/effect of
             max_sstable_age_days (set at 10 in my case) and
             (not set in my case so the default of 3600 applies). I
        would not
             expect any compaction to happen beyond the first hour and
        the 10
             days is here to make sure data still gets expired and
             removed (thus releasing disk space). I don't see where the
        24h come
             If you guys can shed some light on this, it would be
        awesome. I'm
             sure I got something wrong.

             Regarding the heap configuration, both are very similar:
             * 32G machine: -Xms8049M -Xmx8049M -Xmn800M
             * 64G machine: -Xms8192M -Xmx8192M -Xmn1200M
             I think we can rule that out.

             Thanks again for you help, I truly appreciate it.


             On 11/17/2015 08:48 PM, Robert Coli wrote:

                 On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 11:08 AM, Sebastian Estevez

                      You're sstables are probably falling out of page
        cache on the
                      smaller nodes and your slow disks are killing your

                 +1 most likely.

                 Are the heaps the same size on both machines?


             Antoine Bonavita (
        <>>) - CTO
             Tel: +33 6 34 33 47 36 <tel:%2B33%206%2034%2033%2047%2036>
        <tel:%2B33%206%2034%2033%2047%2036>/+33 9 50
             68 21 32 <tel:%2B33%209%2050%2068%2021%2032>

    Antoine Bonavita (
    <>) - CTO
    Tel: +33 6 34 33 47 36 <tel:%2B33%206%2034%2033%2047%2036>/+33 9 50
    68 21 32 <tel:%2B33%209%2050%2068%2021%2032>

Antoine Bonavita ( - CTO
Tel: +33 6 34 33 47 36/+33 9 50 68 21 32

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