Hi Jack,
Thanks for the response.

Do you think it's a good idea to have a separate table like :

CREATE TYPE metadata (
      key text,
      value set<text>,
      path_id uuid

And then index it on Value so that the query like... :
SELECT * from metadata where value CONTAINS {values: {'FOX'};

2. Can I use composite column? any idea?


On Sat, Nov 14, 2015 at 9:21 PM, Jack Krupansky <jack.krupan...@gmail.com>

> You can only nest frozen collections and even then you can only access the
> full nested value, not individual entries within the nested map.
> So, in your example, you can only access mimetype and then must specify
> the full mime type value, which doesn't satisfy your query requirement.
> You will need to flatten your nesting into distinct rows with clustering
> keys. Then you can query a row with the mimetype in a clustering key. And
> add a clustering key for the mime values name.
> -- Jack Krupansky
> On Sat, Nov 14, 2015 at 5:16 AM, Neha Dave <nehajtriv...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Any Help?
>> On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 7:44 PM, Neha Dave <nehajtriv...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> How can we achieve Nested Collections in cassandra.
>>> My requirement :
>>> metadata map<text,list<text>> ... Is it possible?
>>> Eg. 'mime-type' : 'MIME'
>>>       'Security'  : {'SOX','FOX'}
>>> Query will be Give me all the ID's where 'Security'  : {'SOX'} OR
>>> contains 'SOX'
>>> Is it Possible?
>>> Can I use UDT to do it?
>>> Eg CQL :
>>> CREATE TYPE security (
>>>       number text,
>>>       tags set<text>
>>>   );
>>> CREATE TYPE listdata (
>>>       values set<text>
>>>   );
>>>   CREATE TABLE test_path (
>>>       path_id text PRIMARY KEY,
>>>       metadata map<text, frozen<listdata>>
>>>   );
>>> INSERT INTO test_path (path_id, metadata ) VALUES ( '2', { 'mime-type':
>>> {values : {'Mime'}}
>>> {'applicable-security-policy' : {'SOX','FOX'}} });
>>> Query (which does not work) can be :
>>> SELECT * from test_path where metadata CONTAINS {values: {'FOX'},
>>> 'SOX'}} ;
>>> OR
>>> SELECT * from test_path where metadata CONTAINS {values: {'FOX'};
>>> Thanks
>>> Regards
>>> Neha

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