According to this blog:
I should be able to do multi-column restrictions on clustering columns, as in the blog example: WHERE (server, time) >= (‘’, 12:00) AND (server, time) <= (‘’, 14:00) However, I am getting data returned from such query that does not match the restrictions. Tried on Cassandra 2.17 and 2.2.3. Here's an example: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dur ( s text, nd bigint, ts bigint, tid bigint, PRIMARY KEY (s, nd, ts) ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (nd ASC, ts DESC); insert INTO dur (s, nd, ts, tid) values ('x', 1, 10, 99); insert INTO dur (s, nd, ts, tid) values ('x', 2, 11, 98) ; insert INTO dur (s, nd, ts, tid) values ('x', 3, 10, 97) ; insert INTO dur (s, nd, ts, tid) values ('x', 1, 11, 96) ; insert INTO dur (s, nd, ts, tid) values ('x', 1, 12, 95) ; insert INTO dur (s, nd, ts, tid) values ('x', 2, 10, 94) ; insert INTO dur (s, nd, ts, tid) values ('x', 2, 12, 93) ; insert INTO dur (s, nd, ts, tid) values ('x', 3, 11, 92) ; insert INTO dur (s, nd, ts, tid) values ('x', 3, 12, 91) ; select * from dur where s='x' and (nd,ts) > (2, 11); s | nd | ts | tid ---+----+----+----- x | 2 | 10 | 94 x | 3 | 12 | 91 x | 3 | 11 | 92 x | 3 | 10 | 97 (4 rows) The first row in the result does not satisfy the restriction (nd,ts) > (2, 11). Am I doing something incorrectly? Thanks, --Yuri