auto_bootstrap=false tells it to join the cluster without running bootstrap – 
the node assumes it has all of the necessary data, and won’t stream any missing 

This generally violates consistency guarantees, but if done on a single node, 
is typically correctable with `nodetool repair`.

If you do it on many  nodes at once, it’s possible that the new nodes could 
represent all 3 replicas of the data, but don’t physically have any of that 
data, leading to missing records.

From:  <> on behalf of Kevin Burton
Reply-To:  ""
Date:  Sunday, October 18, 2015 at 3:44 PM
To:  ""
Subject:  Re: Would we have data corruption if we bootstrapped 10 nodes at once?

An shit.. I think we're seeing corruption.. missing records :-/

On Sat, Oct 17, 2015 at 10:45 AM, Kevin Burton <> wrote:
We just migrated from a 30 node cluster to a 45 node cluster. (so 15 new nodes) 

By default we have auto_boostrap = false

so we just push our config to the cluster, the cassandra daemons restart, and 
they're not cluster members and are the only nodes in the cluster.

Anyway.  While I was about 1/2 way done adding the 15 nodes,  I had about 7 
members of the cluster and 8 not yet joined.

We are only doing 1 at a time because apparently bootstrapping more than 1 is 

I did a rolling restart whereby I went through and restarted all the cassandra 

Somehow the new nodes auto boostrapped themselves EVEN though 

We don't have any errors.  Everything seems functional.  I'm just worried about 
data loss.



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