It is deployed on an existing cluster but will be migrated soon to a different 
file system & Linux distribution.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Shuler [] On Behalf Of Michael Shuler
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2015 6:02 PM
Subject: Re: reiserfs - DirectoryNotEmptyException

On 10/13/2015 01:58 PM, Modha, Digant wrote:
> I am running Cassandra 2.1.10 and noticed intermittent 
> DirectoryNotEmptyExceptions during repair.  My cassandra data drive is 
> reiserfs.

Why? I'm genuinely interested in this filesystem selection, since it is 
unmaintained, has been dropped from some mainstream linux distributions, and 
some may call it "dead". ;)

> I noticed that on reiserfs wiki site
>, it states that 
> unlink operation is not synchronous. Is that the reason for the 
> exception below:
> ERROR [ValidationExecutor:137] 2015-10-13 00:46:30,759
> - Exception in thread 
> Thread[ValidationExecutor:137,1,main]
> java.nio.file.DirectoryNotEmptyException:
> at
> a:135)

This seems like a reasonable explanation. Using a modern filesystem like
ext4 or xfs would certainly be helpful in getting you within the realm of a 
"common" hardware setup.

I think Al Tobey had a slide deck on filesystem tuning for C*, but I didn't 
find it quickly.

Kind regards,

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