Hi i have a 3 node cassandra cluster in aws. Each node is m3 large with 160GB hard disk. It has been 1 month and cassandra already occupied 51GB of my disk space.
Obviously at some point of time i will run out of the disk space as the data keeps coming in. So, i would like to go in the path of mounting a volume(say ebs) on a node and pointing data directory to that mount point. But even in this approach as the ebs volume has some size 'X', at some point of time i will have to face the same problem of running out of disk space. In my view solution for this problem can be either of the following: 1. Mount a efs(Elastic file system) to cassandra node and point it to cassandra data directory 2. Mount S3 on cassandra ec2 instance and point cassandra data directory to this s3 mount point. 3. Create an ebs volume of very huge size such that we never reach this size limitation I would like to get review on the possible solutions i thought of !. Please suggest how you guys are solving the problem of running out of disk space in production. -- /Vamsi