Hi I have a table where I set TTL to only 7 days for all records and we keep pumping records in every day. In general, I would expect all data files for that table to have timestamps less than, say 8 or 9 days old, giving the system some time to work its magic. However, I see some files more than 9 days old occationally. Last Friday, I saw 4 large files, each about 10G in size, with timestamps about 5, 4, 3, 2 weeks old. Interestingly they are all gone this Monday, leaving 1 new file 9 GB in size.
The compaction strategy is SizeTieredCompactionStrategy, and I can understand why the above happened. It seems we have 10G of data every week and when SizeTieredCompactionStrategy works to create various tiers, it just happened the file size for the next tier is 10G, and all the data is packed into this huge file. Then it starts the next cycle. Another week goes by, and another 10G file is created. This process continues until the minimum number of files of the same size is reached, which I think is 4 by default. Then it started to compact this set of 4 10G files. At this time, all data in these 4 files have expired so we end up with nothing or much smaller file if there is still some records with TTL left. I have many tables like this, and I'd like to reclaim those spaces sooner. What would be the best way to do it? Should I run "nodetool compact" when I see two large files that are 2 weeks old? Is there configuration parameters I can tune to achieve the same effect? I looked through all the CQL Compaction Subproperties for STCS, but I am not sure how they can help here. Any suggestion is welcome. BTW, I am using Cassandra 2.0.6.