Yo.  It's me.  Haddad, aka rustyrazorblade.  6'1", hair probably in a bun
and a beard.  Helping with training today, giving a talk on pyspark & on
the python driver tomorrow.  I'll be at the MVP dinner.  Wearing a DataStax
training t shirt today, not sure about the rest of the time though.

Here I am:

Thanks Rob for starting the thread, good idea.

Please feel free to come say hi even if we're never talked, I love meeting
people in the community.


On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 11:42 AM Russell Bradberry <rbradbe...@gmail.com>

> I will be wearing a red t-shirt that says SimpleReach and I will be at the
> reception tonight, the MVP dinner and the summit both days.  I'm about
> 5'11" and probably going to be the best looking person there. ;)
> See you all at the summit.
> On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 11:27 AM, Robert Coli <rc...@eventbrite.com>
> wrote:
>> Cassandra Summit 2015 is upon us!
>> Every year, the conference gets bigger and bigger, and the chance of IRL
>> meeting people you've "met" online gets smaller and smaller.
>> To improve everyone's chances, if you are attending the summit :
>> 1) respond on-thread with a brief introduction (and physical description
>> of yourself if you want others to be able to spot you!)
>> 2) join #cassandra on freenode IRC (irc.freenode.org) to chat and
>> connect with other attendees!
>> ------------------------------
>> I will be at the summit on Wednesday and Thursday. I am 5'8" or so, and
>> will be wearing glasses and either a red or blue "Eventbrite Engineering"
>> t-shirt with a graphic logo of gears on it. Come say hello! :D
>> =Rob

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