On Sat, Sep 5, 2015 at 8:32 AM, ibrahim El-sanosi <ibrahimsaba...@gmail.com>

> So in this scenario, the latest data that wrote to the replicas is [K1,
> V2] which should be the correct one, but it reads [K1,V1] because of divert
> clock.
> Can such scenario occur?

Yes, it most certainly can.  There are a couple of pieces of advice for
this.  First, run NTP on all of your servers.  Second, if clock drift of a
second or so would cause problems for your data model (like your example),
change your data model.  Usually this means creating separate rows for each
version of the value (by adding a timuuid to the primary key, for example),
but in some cases lightweight transactions may also be suitable.

Tyler Hobbs
DataStax <http://datastax.com/>

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