Thank you all for your answers. @Alain: Can you detail actions performed, >>like how you load data >>>i have a haproxy in front of my cassandra database, so i'm sure that my application queries each time a different coordinator
>>what scaleup / scaledown are and precise if you let it decommission fully (streams finished, node removed from nodetool status) >>> i'm using openstack platform to autoscale cassandra cluster. Actually, in openstack, the combination of ceilometer + heat allow to users to automate the deployment of their applications and supervise their resources. they can order the scale up (adding of new nodes automatically) when resources(cpu, ram,...) are needed or scaledown (remove unecessary VMs automatically). so with heat i can spawn automatically a cluster of 2 cassandra VMs (create the cluster and configure each cassandra server with a template). My cluster can go from 2 nodes to 6 based on the workloads. when their is a scaledown action, heat automatically execute a script on my node and decommission it before removing it. >>Also, I am not sure of the meaning of this --> " i'm affecting to each of my node a different token based on there ip address (the token is A+B+C+D and the ip is A.B.C.D)". look at this: [root@demo-server-seed-wgevseugyjd7 ~]# nodetool status bng; Datacenter: DC1 =============== Status=Up/Down |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving -- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack UN 789.03 KB 189 100.0% bd0b2616-18d9-4bc2-a80b-eebd67474712 RAC1 UN 300.38 KB 208 100.0% ebd9732b-ebfc-4a6c-b354-d7df860b57b0 RAC1 the node with address have the token 189=40+0+0+149 and the node with address have the token 208=40+0+0+168 this way i'm sure that each node in my cluster will have a different token. I don't know what will happen if all the node have the same token?? >>Aren't you using RandomPartitioner or Murmur3Partitioner i'm using the default one which is partitioner: org.apache.cassandra.dht.Murmur3Partitioner in order to configure cassandra on each node i'm using this script inputs: - name: IP - name: SEED config: | #!/bin/bash -v cat << EOF >> /etc/resolv.conf nameserver nameserver EOF DEFAULT=${DEFAULT:-/etc/cassandra/default.conf} CONFIG=/etc/cassandra/conf IFS="." read a b c d <<< $IP s="$[a[0]+b[0]+c[0]+d[0]]" sed -i -e "s/^cluster_name.*/cluster_name: 'Cassandra cluster for freeradius'/" $CONFIG/cassandra.yaml sed -i -e "s/^num_tokens.*/num_tokens: $s/" $CONFIG/cassandra.yaml sed -i -e "s/^listen_address.*/listen_address: $IP/" $CONFIG/cassandra.yaml sed -i -e "s/^rpc_address.*/rpc_address:" $CONFIG/cassandra.yaml sed -i -e "s/^broadcast_address.*/broadcast_address: $IP/" $CONFIG/cassandra.yaml sed -i -e "s/broadcast_rpc_address.*/broadcast_rpc_address: $IP/" $CONFIG/cassandra.yaml sed -i -e "s/^commitlog_segment_size_in_mb.*/commitlog_segment_size_in_mb: 32/" $CONFIG/cassandra.yaml sed -i -e "s/# JVM_OPTS=\"\$JVM_OPTS -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=<public name>\"/JVM_OPTS=\"\$JVM_OPTS -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=$IP\"/" $CONFIG/ sed -i -e "s/- seeds.*/- seeds: \"$SEED\"/" $CONFIG/cassandra.yaml sed -i -e "s/^endpoint_snitch.*/endpoint_snitch: GossipingPropertyFileSnitch/" $CONFIG/cassandra.yaml echo MAX_HEAP_SIZE="4G" >> $CONFIG/ echo HEAP_NEWSIZE="800M" >> $CONFIG/ service cassandra stop rm -rf /var/lib/cassandra/data/system/* service cassandra start 2015-09-07 16:30 GMT+02:00 Ryan Svihla <>: > If that's what tracing is telling you then it's fine and just a product of > data distribution (note your token count isn't identical anyway). > > If you're doing cl one queries directly against particular nodes and > getting different results it sounds like dropped mutations, streaming > errors and or timeouts. Does running repair or reading at CL level all give > you an accurate total record count? > > nodetool tpstats should help post bootstrap identify dropped mutations but > you also want to monitor logs for any errors (in general this is always > good advice for any system).. There could be a myriad or problems with > bootstrapping new nodes, usually this is related to under provisioning. > > On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 8:19 AM Alain RODRIGUEZ <> wrote: > >> Hi Sara, >> >> Can you detail actions performed, like how you load data, what scaleup / >> scaledown are and precise if you let it decommission fully (streams >> finished, node removed from nodetool status) etc ? >> >> This would help us to help you :). >> >> Also, what happens if you query using "CONSISTENCY LOCAL_QUORUM;" (or >> ALL) before your select ? If not using cqlsh, set the Consistency Level of >> your client to LOCAL_QUORUM or ALL and try to select again. >> >> Also, I am not sure of the meaning of this --> " i'm affecting to each >> of my node a different token based on there ip address (the token is >> A+B+C+D and the ip is A.B.C.D)". Aren't you using RandomPartitioner or >> Murmur3Partitioner ? >> >> C*heers, >> >> Alain >> >> >> >> 2015-09-07 12:01 GMT+02:00 Edouard COLE <>: >> >>> Please, don't mail me directly >>> >>> I read your answer, but I cannot help anymore >>> >>> And answering with "Sorry, I can't help" is pointless :) >>> >>> Wait for the community to answer >>> >>> De : ICHIBA Sara [] >>> Envoyé : Monday, September 07, 2015 11:34 AM >>> À : >>> Objet : Re: cassandra scalability >>> >>> when there's a scaledown action, i make sure to decommission the node >>> before. but still, I don't understand why I'm having this behaviour. is it >>> normal. what do you do normally to remove a node? is it related to tokens? >>> i'm affecting to each of my node a different token based on there ip >>> address (the token is A+B+C+D and the ip is A.B.C.D) >>> >>> 2015-09-07 11:28 GMT+02:00 ICHIBA Sara <>: >>> at the biginning it looks like this: >>> >>> [root@demo-server-seed-k6g62qr57nok ~]# nodetool status >>> Datacenter: DC1 >>> =============== >>> Status=Up/Down >>> |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving >>> -- Address Load Tokens Owns Host >>> ID Rack >>> UN 128.73 KB 248 ? >>> 6e7788f9-56bf-4314-a23a-3bf1642d0606 RAC1 >>> UN 114.59 KB 249 ? >>> 84f6f0be-6633-4c36-b341-b968ff91a58f RAC1 >>> UN 129.53 KB 245 ? >>> aa233dc2-a8ae-4c00-af74-0a119825237f RAC1 >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> [root@demo-server-seed-k6g62qr57nok ~]# nodetool status >>> service_dictionary >>> Datacenter: DC1 >>> =============== >>> Status=Up/Down >>> |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving >>> -- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host >>> ID Rack >>> UN 128.73 KB 248 68.8% >>> 6e7788f9-56bf-4314-a23a-3bf1642d0606 RAC1 >>> UN 114.59 KB 249 67.8% >>> 84f6f0be-6633-4c36-b341-b968ff91a58f RAC1 >>> UN 129.53 KB 245 63.5% >>> aa233dc2-a8ae-4c00-af74-0a119825237f RAC1 >>> >>> the result of the query select * from service_dictionary.table1; gave me >>> 70 rows from >>> 64 from >>> 54 from >>> >>> 2015-09-07 11:13 GMT+02:00 Edouard COLE <>: >>> Could you provide the result of : >>> - nodetool status >>> - nodetool status YOURKEYSPACE >>> >>> >>> >> -- > Regards, > > Ryan Svihla